Monday, October 26, 2009

Account System used in Health Care or Hospitals

Account Management Suite provides the core modules of practice management to efficiently manage your practice. The suite features e-Business Manager, a powerful collection module with electronic queues for real time information as to account status.

Patient Accounting module is the core of the Experis or Expert PM. It integrates with all other Expert PM modules and programs. Patient Accounting is a comprehensive system designed to maximize collections, process data efficiently, and improve patient services. Patient Accounting lets you customize billing requirements. It automatically calculates fees based on varying carriers, physicians, and departments, and its flexibility allows you to define parameters to fit your unique processing and management needs.

Accounts receivable and practice management information are provided through extensive and concise reporting capabilities. Expert PM eases future planning by giving you exact analyses of where your practice is today so you can plan for tomorrow.

Patient Accounting module functions include the following:

·         Patient Registration

·         Charge/Payment/Adjustment Entry

·         Insurance Open Item Posting

·         Patient Billing and Credit Collection

·         Insurance Management

·         Multiple Recall Codes

·         Inquiry Information

·         Data Retention

·         Management Information Reporting


e-business manager module.

Designed for collection specialists, this module allows your specialists to access and enter all information on-line.

You can optimize your collection ratio with one easy-to-use collection screen. This collector review screen is a worksheet for contacting accounts and updating activity. Each account automatically queues for review and requires the collection specialist to enter an action code before reviewing the next account. Client-defined criteria determine the assignment of accounts and collection policies.

The e-Business Manager module's on-line feature ensures that accounts are never missed for review, and the paperless system eliminates the frustration of lost notes. Statistical reports help you make important decisions on staff performance, requirements, and the effectiveness of your collection techniques. And, by managing collection accounts in-house, you increase revenue by eliminating the cost of large collection agency commissions.

Highlights of the e-Business Manager module include automatic assignment of accounts based on client-defined criteria; assigned collection specialist numbers are displayed in frequently used account screens; total balance of bad debt and collection agency are displayed on the collection screen; ability to track contact codes by creating billing messages when code is entered; ability to enter recall code and date in the collection screen; and, automatic assignment of accounts to small or large balance categories.

Financial Suite provides all the tools of financial management. Beyond General Ledger, Payables/Receivables, ExpertPM can transmit Purchase Orders electronically in ANSI standard format, update inventory through electronic remittance, and provide Case Costing for surgeries and procedures.

The General Ledger module provides you with financial information critical to determining financial statements. While other financial modules automatically generate accounting entries, leaving only adjusting entries to be entered, the General Ledger module is a byproduct of daily operations, providing a complete financial database.

The General Ledger module automatically integrates with other financial modules, and provides either single entry or double entry mode. On-line inquiry capabilities allow you to view journal entries, account balances, account histories, and budget balances.

Among the many comprehensive reports and statements available in the General Ledger module are charts of accounts; balance sheet and balance sheet comparisons; journal entries log; income statements and comparative income statements and schedules; monthly budgeting and forecasting; and, comprehensive year-end summaries.

Highlights of the General Ledger module include on-line report requesting and system control; multi-company, multi-divisional, and multi-department flexibility; consolidation capabilities; separate fiscal years for each company and client; detail history for entire fiscal year; ten-digit account number capability; automatic integration with other financial modules; and, up to ten years of account balance history.

The Inventory module and its subsystem, Purchase Order, maintain and track inventory distribution, and provide flexible entry and maintenance of purchasing information. Automatic and manual purchasing requests and on-line vendor item cataloging helps your staff manage purchasing functions in an easy and cost-effective manner.

Among the many comprehensive reports and statements available in the Inventory and Purchase Order module are open purchase order; past due purchase order; purchase order request and advice; receipt history; new purchase orders for warehouse; late delivery orders for warehouse; and, items received into warehouse.

Highlights of the Inventory and Purchase Order module include:

Automatic and manual purchasing requests

o    Incomplete shipment capabilities

o    Receiving with or without purchase order may be entered

o    Receipt transaction tracking through inventory module

o    Batch order capability at client-specified intervals

o    Automatic price and numbering

The Check Reconciliation module helps your staff balance checking accounts quickly and accurately. With the capability of handling multiple banks and multiple accounts, Check Reconciliation is a perfect solution for multiple site organizations. Its interface with the Payroll and Accounts Payable modules simplifies reconciliation. A check reconciliation report displays all checks returned, all checks outstanding, and any errors in reporting.

Highlights of the Check Reconciliation module include:

o    Automatic interface with Accounts Payable ExpertPM module

o    Paid check reconciliation

o    Outstanding check reconciliation

o    Capability to handle multiple bank and multiple account requirements

o    Electronic interface with banks for cancelled checks.

Chart Management manages the who, what, where, of your paper charts. The suite features an efficient bar-code solution to ensure files are accounted for, accessible for the provider, and provides protection and preparedness for audits

 With Exterior’s Chart Tracking modules, lost charts and films are virtually eliminated. Chart Tracking displays information on the date, time, operator, and current location of the chart, and allows staff to access the exact chart location instantly.

Chart Tracking greatly enhances the productivity and efficiency of the Medical Records file room, and all areas of clinic operations benefit from the end of potentially disruptive chart searches. Chart Tracking improves quality assurance and patient care by ensuring that the chart is readily available at any given time.

Because satellite and ancillary facilities have become so common in health care, today’s physicians often need to manage multiple charts for their patients. The Multiple Patient Chart module identifies and tracks multiple chart records for each patient.

With the Multiple Patient Chart module, your staff can match the right chart to the right patient visit instantly. The majority of patient visits require no intervention since the home location is where most of the visits occur. However, when the patient visits an ancillary location, the chart selection process is quick and easy.

1 comment:

  1. Good tutorial and information regarding new system of accounting which is used in hospital
